TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
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Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
Primary KS2 Mega pack of Escape Rooms
This Resource bundle Contains:
1 x Brand New PRIMARY Escape Room - End of Year Virtual Escape Room from Dr Dreadful’s Mansion by Cre8tive Resources!
1 x Brand New Ks2 Super Escape from the Locked room
1 x Bonus Primary Literacy Grammar Revision Activity and Mats for students.
1 x Primary - What is Brexit lesson
** Bonus Additional Resource now added**
1 x Interactive Christmas Advent Calendar - Subject Specific (Super Fun starters for all of December!)
A variety of different puzzles are in each set of escape rooms. 14 Different styles of puzzle escapes to solve!
Can be used for a whole lesson or two.
Product Code: FUN/C8B/101
Product Contents:
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
**Explore below our most popular and fast selling Primary Careers and Primary PSHE Units below:
⇨ Introduction to Careers for Primary students
⇨ Linking school with Careers and Jobs - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Financial Education - Managing Money for Ks2 Students
⇨ Transition and Friends Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Enterprise Unit (My skills & Qualities) Ks2 Unit
⇨ The World I live in Ks2 Citizenship Unit
⇨ Why should I learn all these subjects - Ks2 Careers Unit
⇨ Bullying, Racism & Peer Pressure - Ks2 PSHE Unit
⇨ Roles & Responsibilities - Ks2 PSHE Unit
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
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French GCSE 2x Digital Escape Rooms - MFL Revision - Perfect for Revision or for the end of term
Brand new GCSE French (or KS3) and GCSE French Escape Rooms on:
x1 GCSE French Topic Festivals
x1 GCSE French Topic Hobbies
2 x Virtual Escape Rooms by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
How can this resource be adapted for social distancing?
Upload / send the sheets digitally so students can work independently through them (don’t use the keys or PPT tracker if so)
Could use as part of a Recovery Curriculum
Set the 7 Puzzles for Homework
Pairs instead of groups
Here you have an escape room appropriate for KS3 and KS4 students about hobbies. Students will be divided into seven groups and must advance through a round that is based on an element of hobbies (for example, sports, music, movies, eating out) to find the “key” that allows them to move on to the next round . Students will practice key vocabulary for hobbies and improve their cultural knowledge of FRANCE and countries that speak the French language.
Here is an escape room on the theme of festivals. Students will have to make their way through different rounds, each on a different festival, where they will consolidate both their knowledge and their vocabulary about festivals in the country / French-speaking countries. Some of the festivals included are: Cannes, Festival of Music, Christmas, Easter and Lemon Festival
Each Escape Room Product Contents:
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Festivals = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
☞ The 7 Rooms each have a Spanish Puzzle that has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student
French description:
Voici un escape game approprié pour les étudiantsde KS3 et KS4 sur les loisirs. Les étudiants seront divisés en sept groupes et doivent se frayer un chemin à travers un tour sur un élément de passe-temps (par exemple, le sport, la musique, le cinéma, manger dehors) pour trouver la “clé” qui leur permet de passer au tour suivant. Les étudiants apprendront le vocabulaire clé pour les loisirs et amélioreront leurs connaissances culturelles du pays ou des pays qui parlent la langue.
French description:
Voici un escape game sur le thème des festivals. Les étudiants doivent se frayer un chemin à travers différentes tours, chacun sur un festival différent, où ils consolideront à la fois leurs connaissances ainsi que leur vocabulaire sur les festivals du pays. Certains des festivals inclus sont: Cannes, Fête de la Musique, Noël, Pâques et Fête de Citron
Check out our latest secondary MFL bundles below
Spanish Revision Escape Rooms
Spanish GCSE Bundle
Set of 5 French MFL escape Rooms
French - Festivals & Celebrations
Healthy Eating & Living
Careers in Spanish
French Revision Bundle
Set of 10 French Ks3 Escape rooms
French for Beginners
Spanish for Beginners
French - Family & Relationships
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Different Digital Escape Rooms for Maths. A mixture of Maths and General Problem solving
1 x Escape the Locked Room (General Maths)
1 x Maths Quiz
1 x Escape the Haunted School Building (Maths specific GCSE )
Bonus Free Resource - End of Term activity Pack of Resources
** Bonus Additional Resource now added**
1 x Interactive Christmas Advent Calendar - Subject Specific (Super Fun starters for all of December!)
Each Escape Room Includes…
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms for the First Escape Room include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
The 7 Rooms for the Second Escape Room include: Playground, Hallway F, English Classroom, Never Ending Basement, Heads Office, The Library and Finally the Secret Laboratory (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student.
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take. Our products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may also want to check out some of our popular selling MATHS resources for your students:
✰ Probability - Maths Escape room
✰ End of Term Maths Escape Room
✰ Algebra Escape Room
✰ Different Shapes - Escape Room
✰ Christmas Maths Escape Room
✰ Christmas Maths Bundle
✰ Sequence and Series Math Topic
✰ Numbers - Math Escape room
✰ Data and Statistics - Math Resource
✰ Careers in Maths
✰ Coordinate Geometry Resource
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Healthy Lifestyles - PSHE Digital Escape Room for KS3 or KS4 students.
This escape room has taken between 15 -20 hours to create from scratch. The Escape Room follows a detective agency theme where students will have to solve a series of puzzles based around the central topic / theme of this quiz.
As well as solving puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions testing their subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they receive a piece of evidence to help solve the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.
This Escape lasts an hour or under depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle!
Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our subject specialist.
How can this resource be adapted for social distancing?
Upload / send the sheets digitally so students who can work independently through them (don’t use the keys or PPT tracker if so)
Could use as part of a Recovery Curriculum
Set the 7 Puzzles for Homework
Pairs instead of groups
Product Contents:
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Evidence Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Detective sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzle that has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
2 x Completely Different Digital Escape Rooms for PE.
1 x Escape the Locked Room (General Fun and End of Term)
1 x Escape the Haunted School Building (Specific PE Escape Room)
Bonus Free Resource - End of Year sports Quiz
Each Escape Room Includes…
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms for the First Escape Room include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
The 7 Rooms for the Second Escape Room include: Playground, Hallway F, English Classroom, Never Ending Basement, Heads Office, The Library and Finally the Secret Laboratory (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student.
You may want to check out some of our other great PE resources:
✎Physical Training & diet Bundle
✎10x PE & Sport Escape Rooms
✎Health fitness & Wellbeing Bundle
✎ PE Christmas Quiz
✎ Sports Psychology
✎ Diet in Sport
✎ Football and Sport Escape Room
✎ PE Cover Lessons
✎ PE Escape Room
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Wellbeing & Health Escape Room Collection
✎ Physical Training - GCSE PE
✎Sports Psychology Bundle
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Science: Chemistry Christmas BIG Bundle. Great for KS3 or KS4 students in the run up to Christmas. Activities, Quizzes, Team Work and Christmas Fun.
☞ 1 x Secondary Science Christmas Quiz (V popular last year)
☞ 1 x Chemistry Escape Room
☞ 1 x Science Advent Calendar New
☞ 1 x FREE Science how to draw graphs - Student advice sheet.
Full 1 hour Science Quiz Lesson complete with falling snow and the pulling of crackers!
☞ Over 9 rounds and 60+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
☞ 1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks
☞ 3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
End of Term Science Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive Identifying circuit symbols, What did Santa bring to the science department this year? True or False Periodic Table - Which scientist said that? The solar system memory test - Suitable for students studying Science KS3 or KS4
Contains 9 Rounds:Identifying Circuit Symbols, What did Santa bring to the science department this year? True or False Periodic Table - What scientist said that? The solar system memory test, Pulling crackers (This is very fun!), Linking scientists with what they have accomplished, Types of rock, Animal and plant cell structures, The PH scale and more… (All with a Christmas feel to it!)
Brand New Chemistry Escape Room Escape Room -Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class. C8/ES/10
Product Contents:
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
✿ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
✿ Brand New Interactive Science and Christmas Advent Calendar for KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each **school day **will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity - these activities are either Christmas themed or Science themed.
The activities include (Musical rounds, Q and A, Riddles, Christmas Crackers, Fill in the Gaps, Spot the difference, Word Finder, identify the images, General Election Day!, Christmas Rounds, Scattegories and other rounds depending on the subject theme of this quiz…)
Check out our latest secondary Science bundles below
Particle model - Science Revision
Organic Chemistry
GCSE Chemistry Revision
Chemical Reactions
Science - Bonding
Atoms and Atomic structure
Respiration and Respiratory Systems
Photosynthesis and Plants
Ecology - Science Revision
Set of 5 Science Escape Rooms
Set of 5 Physics GCSE Escape Rooms
Set of 5 Chemistry Revision Escape rooms
Set of 10 Biology Escape rooms
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Wellbeing PSHE Escape Room - Great for the start of end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on wellbeing but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Alright, team, it’s finally time. We’re going to pull off one of the greatest
heists the world has ever seen. Many people have tried a heist this big and failed,
but our sources say that the time has never been more perfect! For one night only, some of the world’s most priceless artifacts will be gathered in one location.
Tomorrow, three pieces will be on loan from various museums around the globe,
and we will take advantage of that."
Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES for the national teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!
Escape Room Contents:
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Dance GCSE Escape Room based on Choreography (2nd of 2 different escape rooms we have on this topic)
This escape room has taken between 15 -20 hours to create from scratch. The Escape Room follows a detective agency theme where students will have to solve a series of puzzles based around the central dance GCSE topic or set text.
As well as solving puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions testing their Dance theory subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they receive a piece of evidence to help solve the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Dance Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.
This Escape lasts an hour or under depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle!
Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our amazing Dance subject specialist.
How can this resource be adapted for social distancing?
Upload / send the sheets digitally so students who can work independently through them (don’t use the keys or PPT tracker if so)
Could use as part of a Recovery Curriculum
Set the 7 Puzzles for Homework
Pairs instead of groups
Dance Product Contents:
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Evidence Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Detective sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzle that has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
Why not check out our full range of over 2,500 products on our website and sign up to our monthly newsletter and access free resources
Drama Christmas Activity Bundle for students. Celebrate the end of the year in style with some fun lessons and challenges.
If you are looking for a Christmas bundle of resources for individuals and team-building based activities and challenges to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to Christmas, then this FUN BUNDLE OF RESOURCES is for you!
Christmas themed Escape Room
There are seven Christmas inspired - 70% subject themed (trivia) and 30% Pure Christmas Fun Challenges . Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction to work out who has stolen the presents this Christmas.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
Escape Room is fully editable and are easy to set up - Just follow our step by step teacher instructions.
The Escape room lasts just under an hour depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle! If a team finishes early don’t worry we have built in another hidden challenge for them.
Students will start with Jack Frost and solve puzzles along the way through 7 different rooms (Jack Frost, Winterbolt, Snow Miser, Heat Miser , BurgerMeister, The Grinch & a final secret Location) As they solve each Christmas themed puzzle they will collect 1 Piece of the Snowman Puzzle and have to solve the Christmas Cypher.
Christmas Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams) Print two copies for up to 12 teams
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted
☞ A fun, five-minute ★introductory video★ has been included, which will help to set the scene before the escape room is to begin!
Christmas Workbooklet
Massive Christmas 2020 Activity Work booklet - Explore Christmas with your class through a wide range of fun and engaging activities.
Contains 16 pages of fun activities.
Interactive Activity Advent Calendar for Upper Primary students or KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each day will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity.
The activities include (Musical rounds, Q and A, Riddles, Christmas Crackers, Fill in the Gaps, Spot the difference, Word Finder, identify the images, Christmas Rounds, Scattegories and much more…)
So how does this advent Calendar work?
No preparation or printing Required!!
Each 'Activity lasts around 3-5 minutes and can be used as a fun starter to a lesson or a tutor time activity for the day!
The Advent Calendar works on a “click the date and play style” set up. The Powerpoint is animated with fake snow and other surprises.
All the dates also link back to the home menu by clicking on the button.
Each slide contains instructions and answers where required -
Use this interactive Christmas themed stylish advent calender to spread Christmas cheer among your students.
**Display Resource **
A Huge periodic table display of all the elements that make up. We have transformed the traditional science periodic table into a Christmas one.
This resources come in the original editable PowerPoint Version just in case you want to edit some of the terms to make them more specific to your curriculum area.
How could you use this resource?
Print A4 Copies for students and use as a discussion prompt get students to colour the elements into categories
Great for a huge Christmas display
Brighten up up a dull classroom display down the hall or even your own…
Give a copy to the pastoral department
Use as a template to recreate your own style of display
Minimal preparation required – Just print (Edit if you want to) and go!
**Christmas Quiz resource **
Over 10 rounds and 50+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
⇨ 1xPowerPoint Quiz
⇨ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /50+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
⇨ 3 x sets of Certificates (Winning Team Gold Certificates, 2nd Place Team Silver Certificates and 3rd Place Team Bronze Certificates) The certificates come in two sizes A4 and A5 and are easily editable in PPT format.
⇨ Contains 10 Rounds
Why not check out some of our other popular Christmas resources
★★ The Big Christmas Quiz
★★ Secondary Christmas Quiz
★★ Christmas Fun Activity pack for KS1 Students
★★ Science Christmas Escape Room
★★ Super Winter Escape Room
1x End of Year Fun Escape Rooms - 1 x fun general end of year summer Quiz (Quiz, Answer sheets, certificates and much more) 1 x End of Year Big activity Pack
Each Escape Room Includes…
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
TEacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
Brand New KS3 Human and Physical Geography Escape Room - End of Year Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take. Our products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
Mathematics Christmas resources. Activity Advent Calender, Christmas Quiz and Escape Room
This Resource bundle Contains:
1 x Brand New Maths Christmas Quiz
1 x Maths Christmas Activity Advent Calender
1 X Maths Escape Room
Maths Christmas Quiz +Christmas Interactive
Full 1 hour Lesson
Over 10 rounds and 60+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /58+ Marks
3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Brand New Interactive Maths Christmas Advent Calendar for KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each school day will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity - these activities are either Christmas themed or Maths themed.
Maths Escape Room Virtual Escape Room Let your drama students become Codebreakers and try to escape the room by taking the right door! Perfect for a lesson with no tables (or just put out 6 Team tables). This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
You may also want to check out some of our popular selling MATHS resources for your students:
✰ Probability - Maths Escape room
✰ End of Term Maths Escape Room
✰ Algebra Escape Room
✰ Different Shapes - Escape Room
✰ Christmas Maths Escape Room
✰ Christmas Maths Bundle
✰ Sequence and Series Math Topic
✰ Maths Escape Room
✰ Maths Christmas Quiz
✰ Maths escape room Bundle
✰ Big Christmas Maths Bundle
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Business Christmas BIG Bundle. Great for KS3 or KS4 students in the run up to Christmas. Activities, Quizzes, Team Work and Christmas Fun
1 x Popular Business Christmas Quiz
1 x GCSE Business Escape Room
1 x A Level Economics and Business Escape Room
1 x Advent Calendar
Business Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive How do we pay for Christmas?, Advertising campaign slogans?, Economy True or False, Christmas Cracker Jokes, Anagrams, Finance in the retail sector, Christmas merchandise, Design Challenge and more…
Product Code:FUN/C8/QZ/76
Suitable for students studying financial education or business
Complete with falling snow and the pulling of crackers!
Over 10 rounds and 60+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves designing a new shop window for Harrods and the top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and Christmas.
Brand New GCSE Business Escape Room Escape Room -Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class. C8/ES/10
Product Contents:
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
Here are some of our other popular business and economics resources:
⇨ Business Studies Christmas Quiz
⇨ Careers and Business Studies Quiz
⇨ A Level Business Revision Bundle
⇨ GCSE Business Revision Bundle
⇨ The Big Brexit Quiz
⇨ Exploring FairTrade and Business
⇨ The Role and Purpose of Marketing & Market Research
⇨ Break Even Analysis , Cash Flow , Revenue and Profit
⇨ The Marketing Mix
⇨ The Role and Purpose of Marketing & Market Research
⇨ Break Even Analysis , Cash Flow , Revenue and Profit
⇨ Human Resources Revision Work Booklet
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Psychology Christmas Activity Bundle for students. Celebrate the end of year in style with some fun lessons and challenges.
If you are looking for a Christmas bundle of resources for individuals and team-building based activities and challenges to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to Christmas, then this FUN BUNDLE OF RESOURCES is for you!
Christmas Psychology themed Escape Room
There are seven Christmas inspired - 70% subject themed (trivia) and 30% Pure Christmas Fun Challenges . Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction to work out who has stolen the presents this Christmas.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
Escape Room is fully editable and are easy to set up - Just follow our step by step teacher instructions.
The Escape room lasts just under an hour depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle! If a team finishes early don’t worry we have built in another hidden challenge for them.
Students will start with Jack Frost and solve puzzles along the way through 7 different rooms (Jack Frost, Winterbolt, Snow Miser, Heat Miser , BurgerMeister, The Grinch & a final secret Location) As they solve each Christmas themed puzzle they will collect 1 Piece of the Snowman Puzzle and have to solve the Christmas Cypher.
Christmas Psychology Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams) Print two copies for up to 12 teams
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted
☞ A fun, five-minute ★introductory video★ has been included, which will help to set the scene before the escape room is to begin!
Christmas Workbooklet
Massive Christmas Activity Work booklet - Explore Christmas with your class through a wide range of fun and engaging activities.
Contains 16 pages of fun activities.
Interactive Activity Advent Calendar for Upper Primary students or KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each day will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity.
The activities include (Musical rounds, Q and A, Riddles, Christmas Crackers, Fill in the Gaps, Spot the difference, Word Finder, identify the images, Christmas Rounds, Scattegories and much more…)
So how does this advent Calendar work?
No preparation or printing Required!!
Each 'Activity lasts around 3-5 minutes and can be used as a fun starter to a lesson or a tutor time activity for the day!
The Advent Calendar works on a “click the date and play style” set up. The Powerpoint is animated with fake snow and other surprises.
All the dates also link back to the home menu by clicking on the button.
Each slide contains instructions and answers where required -
Use this interactive Christmas themed stylish advent calender to spread Christmas cheer among your students.
**Display Resource **
A Huge periodic table display of all the elements that make up. We have transformed the traditional science periodic table into a Christmas one.
This resources come in the original editable PowerPoint Version just in case you want to edit some of the terms to make them more specific to your curriculum area.
How could you use this resource?
Print A4 Copies for students and use as a discussion prompt get students to colour the elements into categories
Great for a huge Christmas display
Brighten up up a dull classroom display down the hall or even your own…
Give a copy to the pastoral department
Use as a template to recreate your own style of display
Minimal preparation required – Just print (Edit if you want to) and go!
**Christmas Quiz resource **
Over 10 rounds and 50+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
⇨ 1xPowerPoint Quiz
⇨ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /50+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
⇨ 3 x sets of Certificates (Winning Team Gold Certificates, 2nd Place Team Silver Certificates and 3rd Place Team Bronze Certificates) The certificates come in two sizes A4 and A5 and are easily editable in PPT format.
⇨ Contains 10 Rounds
Why not check out some of our other popular Christmas resources
★★ The Big Christmas Quiz
★★ Secondary Christmas Quiz
★★ Christmas Fun Activity pack for KS1 Students
★★ Science Christmas Escape Room
★★ Super Winter Escape Room
Huge GCSE SCIENCE Christmas Bundle - Everything you need for a fun Science based end to 2020 for KS3 Students. This Science bundle includes an end of year Science Christmas Quiz and then a Science Escape room Challenge and a Christmas Activity Booklet.
Try something different this Christmas with our innovative resources and activities.
Resource Contains
✎✎ KS3 Science Quiz - Contains over 10 rounds and 50+ Questions (Team sheets, Animated Power Point, Printable student Answer sheets)
✎✎ Science and Christmas Digital Escape Rooms full of Fun Puzzles for students to attempt.
(We are one of the biggest sellers of Escape Rooms on TES)
✎✎ 16 Page Christmas activity Booklet in Editable and PDF Format
✎✎ Teacher Answers for the Science Quiz and Escape Room
✎✎ Certificates for Completion (Escape room and for the Quiz)
✎✎ Science and Periodic table Christmas Decorations activity
Contents of Science Christmas Topic Task Card bundle
1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles in editable and PDF versions
1 x Teacher answer sheet - All answers covered
2 x Student fill in activity sheets that can be used with the cards (optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Science specialist . Can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Science Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize Science tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
The Science based challenges have been designed by out Science Specialist.
You may also want to check out some of our popular selling SCIENCE resources for your students:
⇨ Science Christmas Quiz
⇨ Science KS3 Christmas Quiz
⇨ Women in Science
⇨ Scientific Discoveries
⇨ The Heart Revision Task Cards
⇨ Science End of Year Escape Rooms Bundle
⇨ How to Draw Graphs in Science
⇨ Organic Chemistry
⇨ Genetics - Biology
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
RE RS Christmas BIG Bundle. Great for KS3 students in the run up to Christmas. Activities, Quizzes, Team Work and Christmas Fun
1 x KS3 Christmas Quiz
1 x Digital Religion and RE Escape room
1 x RE Advent Calendar
Brand New Interactive RE and Christmas Advent Calendar for KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each **school day **will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity - these activities are either Christmas themed or Religion themed.
The activities include (Musical rounds, Q and A, Riddles, Christmas Crackers, Fill in the Gaps, Spot the difference, Word Finder, identify the images, General Election Day!, Christmas Rounds, Scattegories and other rounds depending on the subject theme of this quiz…)
Brand New KS3 Religion RE Escape Room - Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! Let the students become Codebreakers! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class. C8/ES/19
Product Contents:
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
TEacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
Christmas Quiz KS3 Interactive
Complete with falling snow and the pulling of crackers!
This quiz resource is a perfect level for KS3 and challenge for KS2 it can be used in lesson time, form time, extracurricular clubs, part of a drop-down day or as a fun treat for your class.
What’s Included?
Over 11 rounds and 50+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /50+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
You may also want to check out these other great Cre8tive resources for your students
⇨ Geography Christmas Quiz
⇨ Science Christmas Quiz
⇨ Drama Christmas Quiz
⇨ Maths Christmas Quiz
⇨ BREXIT - EU in or out this Christmas
⇨ History Christmas Quiz
⇨ Christmas Quiz
Feliz Navidad - Spanish Christmas MFL Activities, Quiz, Worksheets, Answers
This Bundle Contains;
1 x The Mega Spanish Christmas Quiz
1 x Spanish and Christmas Activity Pack for Students
1 x Spanish Advent Calendar full of Spanish activities (Fully interactive PPT - Very fun!)
Spanish Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive Feliz Navidad / End of Term Quizzes aimed at KS3 and KS4 Spanish students.
Guess the spanish Present, The Emoji Round and translating films, Name the Spanish Christmas tradition, Christmas Crackers, Spot the Difference, True or False Spanish facts , Meme Challenge, and More…
Spanish Literacy Quiz on the topic of family, home and descriptions / End of Term Quizzes aimed at KS3 and KS4 Spanish students.
Spanish Christmas Activity Pack
15+ PAGE pack of classroom-ready activities will enthuse and engage students. Suitable for KS3 and KS4 students to explore the topic of Christmas through a wide range of fun, engaging and meaningful activities
The Spanish Activity Booklet Contains:
o Fact Hunt and Moral Debates surrounding Christmas
o Create a Christmas Star Word search
oChristmas Spirit Jigsaw Blanket
o Campaign Activities
o 3D Design Templates and final Design prototype
Aquí tiene un cuadernillo de 15 páginas de actividades listas para el aula con un enfoque en mejorar las habilidades de trabajo en equipo y creatividad. Es adecuado para KS2&3 (y KS4 para las lecciones antes de Navidad) y ha sido creado por una especialista de enseñanza española para enseñar y consolidar el tema de la Navidad en España. Ejemplos de las actividades incluyen la creación de una sopa de letras navideña, debates morales sobre temas relacionados con la Navidad y plantillas para el diseño de tarjetas de Navidad en español.
Check out our latest secondary MFL bundles below
Spanish Revision Escape Rooms
Spanish GCSE Bundle
Set of 5 French MFL escape Rooms
French - Festivals & Celebrations
Healthy Eating & Living
Careers in Spanish
French Revision Bundle
Set of 10 French Ks3 Escape rooms
French for Beginners
Spanish for Beginners
French - Family & Relationships
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Drama Christmas resources. Activity Advent Calender, Christmas Quiz and Escape Room
This Resource bundle Contains:
1 x Drama Christmas Quiz
1 x Drama Christmas Activity Advent Calender
1 X Drama Escape Room
Extra Freebies
1 x Set of Drama Conventions Revision task cards
1 x Set of Drama Practitioners Revision task cards
Drama Christmas Quiz - 58 Questions +Christmas Interactive
Full 1 hour Lesson
Over 10 rounds and 60+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /58+ Marks
3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Brand New Interactive Drama and Performing Arts Christmas Advent Calendar for KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each school day will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity - these activities are either Christmas themed or Drama themed.
KS3 DRAMA Escape Room Virtual Escape Room Let your drama students become Codebreakers and try to escape the theatre by taking the right door! Perfect for a lesson with no tables (or just put out 6 Team tables). This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
You may want to check out some of our other great DRAMA resources:
Dramatic Works and Theories
Christmas Drama Escape Room
Stage Production
Drama Christmas Bundle
Greek Theatre
Top Selling Drama Escape Room
Twelfth Night
Why is reading Important Assembly
KS3 Drama Escape Room
Exploring Greek Theatre
Blood Brothers Escape Room
Drama Escape Room Bundle
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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PE End of Term Christmas Pack - Physical Education -
1 x PE and Sport Digital Generation Escape Room - Very Fun!
1 x PE Themed First Generation Digital Escape Room
1 x GCSE PE Students End of Term Quiz
Bonus: 1 x Set of FREE PE cover sheets
Detailed Descriptions:
GCSE PE Christmas Quiz - Christmas 65+ Questions Christmas / End of Term Quiz aimed at KS4 PE students. Every round is completely different and not just your boring Q and A style. Inste or even KS3 Students. Each round tests a different type of skill.
Full 1 hour Lesson
Over 10 rounds and 65+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks
3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Round 1: Identify Santas Movements
Guessing the Physical movement that has been highlighted in each picture
Round 2: Acroynms
Expanding terms like DOME and EPOC
Round 3: Component fitness Tests
Name the Component and Fitness and test
**Round 4: Higher or Lower **
Work out it its higher or lower than the next statement
Round 5: Cardio Catch
Work out these fun picture clues
Round 6: Christmas True or False
Good variety of themed questions
Round 7: Multiple Choice PE Theory
Put your team to the test
Round 8: Wordsearch Round
Topical Trivia and confusion
**Round 9: The Which one round **
Solve the maths puzzle in the time limit
Round 10: Anagram Round
Pick the right one
Create the Santa Meme
This quiz resource is perfect for a PE Theory lesson or form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
Brand New PE Escape Rooms - End of Term Digital Escape Room - 2nd Generation Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! Can you escape the School Before the End of Term? This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
Product Contents:
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking to escape the School)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Playground, Hallway F, English Classroom, Never Ending Basement, Heads Office, The Library and Finally the Secret Laboratory (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student.
You may also want to check out these other great Physical Education resources:
Physical Education GCSE Quiz - Christmas
PE Christmas Jumbo Pack
KS3 and KS4 PE Christmas Quizzes
Guess the Sports Quiz
PE Escape Room
PE Cover Lesson
PE Escape rooms Bundle
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES*
Chemistry Christmas Activity Bundle for students. Celebrate the end of 2024 in style with some fun lessons and challenges.
If you are looking for a Christmas bundle of resources for individuals and team-building based activities and challenges to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to Christmas, then this FUN BUNDLE OF RESOURCES is for you!
Christmas Chemistry themed Escape Room
There are seven Christmas inspired - 70% subject themed (trivia) and 30% Pure Christmas Fun Challenges . Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction to work out who has stolen the presents this Christmas.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
Escape Room is fully editable and are easy to set up - Just follow our step by step teacher instructions.
The Escape room lasts just under an hour depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle! If a team finishes early don’t worry we have built in another hidden challenge for them.
Students will start with Jack Frost and solve puzzles along the way through 7 different rooms (Jack Frost, Winterbolt, Snow Miser, Heat Miser , BurgerMeister, The Grinch & a final secret Location) As they solve each Christmas themed puzzle they will collect 1 Piece of the Snowman Puzzle and have to solve the Christmas Cypher.
Christmas Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams) Print two copies for up to 12 teams
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted
☞ A fun, five-minute ★introductory video★ has been included, which will help to set the scene before the escape room is to begin!
Christmas Workbooklet
Massive Christmas Activity Work booklet - Explore Christmas with your class through a wide range of fun and engaging activities.
Contains 16 pages of fun activities.
Interactive Activity Advent Calendar for Upper Primary students or KS3 Students. A very stylish Christmas themed interactive powerpoint with 24 numbered boxes - Each day will link to a fun and engaging task/ challenge / game or activity.
The activities include (Musical rounds, Q and A, Riddles, Christmas Crackers, Fill in the Gaps, Spot the difference, Word Finder, identify the images, Christmas Rounds, Scattegories and much more…)
So how does this advent Calendar work?
No preparation or printing Required!!
Each 'Activity lasts around 3-5 minutes and can be used as a fun starter to a lesson or a tutor time activity for the day!
The Advent Calendar works on a “click the date and play style” set up. The Powerpoint is animated with fake snow and other surprises.
All the dates also link back to the home menu by clicking on the button.
Each slide contains instructions and answers where required -
Use this interactive Christmas themed stylish advent calender to spread Christmas cheer among your students.
**Display Chemistry Revision Resource **
A Huge periodic table display of all the elements that make up. We have transformed the traditional science periodic table into a Christmas one.
This resources come in the original editable PowerPoint Version just in case you want to edit some of the terms to make them more specific to your curriculum area.
How could you use this resource?
Print A4 Copies for students and use as a discussion prompt get students to colour the elements into categories
Great for a huge Christmas display
Brighten up up a dull classroom display down the hall or even your own…
Give a copy to the pastoral department
Use as a template to recreate your own style of display
Minimal preparation required – Just print (Edit if you want to) and go!
**Science Christmas Quiz resource **
Over 10 rounds and 50+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
⇨ 1xPowerPoint Quiz
⇨ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /50+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
⇨ 3 x sets of Certificates (Winning Team Gold Certificates, 2nd Place Team Silver Certificates and 3rd Place Team Bronze Certificates) The certificates come in two sizes A4 and A5 and are easily editable in PPT format.
⇨ Contains 10 Rounds
Check out our latest secondary Science bundles below
Particle model - Science Revision
Organic Chemistry
GCSE Chemistry Revision
Chemical Reactions
Science - Bonding
Atoms and Atomic structure
Respiration and Respiratory Systems
Photosynthesis and Plants
Ecology - Science Revision
Set of 5 Science Escape Rooms
Set of 5 Physics GCSE Escape Rooms
Set of 5 Chemistry Revision Escape rooms
Set of 10 Biology Escape rooms
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Huge GCSE SCIENCE Christmas Bundle - Everything you need for a fun Science based end to 2020 for GCSE Students. This Science bundle includes an end of year Science Christmas Quiz and then a Science Escape room Challenge and a Christmas Activity Booklet.
Try something different this Christmas with our innovative resources and activities.
Resource Contains
✎✎ GCSE Science Quiz - Contains over 10 rounds and 50+ Questions (Team sheets, Animated Power Point, Printable student Answer sheets)
✎✎ Science and Christmas Digital Escape Rooms full of Fun Puzzles for students to attempt.
(We are one of the biggest sellers of Escape Rooms on TES)
✎✎ 16 Page Christmas activity Booklet in Editable and PDF Format
✎✎ Teacher Answers for the Science Quiz and Escape Room
✎✎ Certificates for Completion (Escape room and for the Quiz)
Contents of Science Christmas Topic Task Card bundle
1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles in editable and PDF versions
1 x Teacher answer sheet - All answers covered
2 x Student fill in activity sheets that can be used with the cards (optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Science specialist . Can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Science Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize Science tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
The Science based challenges have been designed by out Science Specialist.
You may also want to check out some of our popular selling SCIENCE resources for your students:
⇨ Science Christmas Quiz
⇨ Science KS3 Christmas Quiz
⇨ Women in Science
⇨ Scientific Discoveries
⇨ The Heart Revision Task Cards
⇨ Science End of Year Escape Rooms Bundle
⇨ How to Draw Graphs in Science
⇨ Organic Chemistry
⇨ Genetics - Biology
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TESh Resource. Just email Mike at thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com **